Spam floods

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algebe's picture
Spam floods

The spam infestations by morons like matajiji02 have returned with increased intensity. Is there anything that we as a community can do to help stop these idiots?

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CyberLN's picture
Hi Algebe. The spam has
algebe's picture
Hello CyberLN:
arakish's picture
@ Algebe Re: Captcha
Cognostic's picture
FUCK!!! If this was a
arakish's picture
But we can still pray.
LogicFTW's picture
Sapporo's picture
I suggest either the creation
JohnWitherspoon's picture
The spammer has never stopped
reedhoot's picture
In the fun and challenging
coreballcore's picture
Coreball is a science fiction
gemmalyly's picture
Thank you for shedding light
andree23's picture
The developers of FNF Online
EldridgeBranscome's picture
Your writing always leaves
dgv59752's picture
Professional plumbers often
andree23's picture
philljones22's picture
Embark on a thrilling quest
DavidKevin23's picture
The article is very complete
gamerun0's picture
You've played a lot of
StevenEric12's picture
You may have overlooked one

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