Social Media Strip

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arakish's picture
Social Media Strip

I realize most persons may rely on that Social Media Strip. However, some like me view those social media channels as worse than bullshit. Literally.

I do not use any social media due to the fact it is as secure a screen door on a submarine. Thus, I am asking, for those exceptional few people like me who do not want that Social Media Strip on their screen.

I am not asking you to completely throw it away. I am asking for you to provide a way that the strip can be closed.

I hate seeing that damned thing popup on my screen. I do not use any social media. Never have, never shall. I just a want a wauy that I can close the strip and not have it on my screen.

It is just as bad as that damned popup that continuously asks me to sign up for the newsletter when I have already done so.

Thanks for your valuable time and efforts.


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