Problems uploading avatar

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Nutmeg's picture
Problems uploading avatar

I've just joined and I'm having problems uploading an avatar. I can select it ok, and the filename appears underneath the picture, but it doesn't appear in the picture frame.

Note: I am rubbish at this stuff.

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ThePragmatic's picture
Note: I'm no admin or site
Nutmeg's picture
It's a standard .jpg which I
ThePragmatic's picture
To find out the color model,
Nutmeg's picture
Thanks, I tried that and it
ThePragmatic's picture
I guess they will have to
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Maybe it has to do with the
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Переваги використання https:/
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Hey everyone! I totally get
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I appreciate your [url=https:
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Firstly, make sure that the
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I tried a lot of gaming
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I appreciate your trap the
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One of the standout features
cocacola89's picture
The run 3 has something for
elliotzucker's picture
Let's try again with https:/
johansmith's picture
For the issue you’re facing,

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