Password problems

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jay-h's picture
Password problems

Several times recently the system has 'forgotten' my password. Then I go through the reset process (for convenience using the same password) and it works for a couple of weeks, then unexpectedly rejects the same password I've been using.

very annoying

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Hadmin's picture
Hello, I understand that you

Hello, I understand that you are having problems and something can be wrong with the login system but it's unlikely as nobody else seems to be having this issue.

I was wondering if maybe you try to login by using the email-id instead of the username which may be causing this issue? 


jay-h's picture
It just happened again. I had

It just happened again. I had reset my password on Dec 7, been on several times since then, including today. In fact I was on today, but this evening I was logged out unexpectedly. Re-entered the same pasword I set on 12/7 and it was declared invalid.

Reset again and now I'm back in (for a while)

jay-h's picture
Again. Attemted to login,

Again. Attemted to login, said my password was invalid (despite having logged in multple times with it recently)

This is the only website where I am having this problem.

Nyarlathotep's picture
There isn't much I can do;

There isn't much I can do; except suggest a troubleshooting step. Try logging in with incognito/private mode:

in Firefox, hit Ctrl+Shift+P
in Chrome hit Ctrl+Shift+N
in Internet Explorer hit Ctrl+Shift+P

Hadmin's picture
Helo, next time this happens

Helo, next time this happens can you please copy or screenshot the exact error message and post it here?

jay-h's picture
Happened again "did you

Happened again "did you forget your password" NO I DID NOT.

Driving me crazy. Only this website.

Hadmin's picture
This should not be happening.

This should not be happening. I don't feel there's anything wrong with the website though as nobody else is facing the issue.

gamerun0's picture
In addition to the details

In addition to the details provided here, I'll also introduce you online. This is a very nice list of the games I've played, which includes some of my all-time favorites and most well-known titles. another subject. Different games that I bet you'll like. retro games

retortruby's picture
Breakout Game begins with

Breakout Game begins with eight rows of colored bricks, two rows per color. From bottom to top, the colors are yellow, green, orange, and red. Using a single ball, the player must eradicate as many bricks as possible by striking the ball against the bricks with the walls and/or the paddle below.

Rosieisme's picture
I'm sorry to hear that you've

I'm sorry to hear that you've been experiencing issues with your password and Connections Game. It's possible that there may be a technical issue with the system causing this inconvenience. Have you tried contacting the system's support team to report the problem? They may be able to provide further assistance to help resolve the issue.

RyanRoberts's picture
One thing I appreciate about

One thing I appreciate about snake 3D is the level of control customization. You can fine-tune the game to match your preferred style.

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