No reply from AR

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Tarser's picture
No reply from AR

Can anyone throw some light on this? I wrote a book that AR accepted and published. This was a couple of years ago now. I emailed AR in February 2016 and again in April 2016 and again about ten days ago. I want to know how the book is doing but I've heard nothing at all. It could have sold a million copies or none but there doesn't seem to be a way of finding out....

It was stated that AR would get a certain percentage of the sales and I'd get the rest. They don't have my bank details yet and I have had no notification that they are needed. I'm really confused. I'd like to take it back and sell it myself on amazon if I continue to get no response. Any other authors of AR books with the same problem?


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Samest89's picture
I asked them about book
Tarser's picture
Hi Sam,
Samest89's picture
Have you tried contacting
Tarser's picture
I don't know how to contact
Samest89's picture
Keep at it, you will
Tarser's picture
Another month gone and no
will829392's picture
If you have issues login into
htyiewee's picture
That's the same problem I had
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gamerun0's picture
I learned a lot from your
Abhishek909's picture
The Weight Calculator is a

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