Name calling and bating for a fight

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mykcob4's picture
Name calling and bating for a fight

I would like to report Jeff Vella Leone for name calling and bating for a fight. On the 'Being White' Thread in the Debate Room.

""You are the 5 year old kid!!!!
(Everything this guy will say I will say it is wrong/flawed because I don't like him and i want him to be seen as childish.)
I will show he is the 5 year old kid not me :P""

I have tried to be reasonable with this person, but he continually is not only condescending and smug, but has resorted to false accusation and name calling.

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CyberLN's picture
So noted.
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I said that as an example.
mykcob4's picture
Now you are lying about what
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Denying what everyone can see
Nyarlathotep's picture
mykckob4 - "I have tried to
mykcob4's picture
I see that now.
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