Is there a way to green light users that are trustworthy, so they can post without doing the math?
At the very least can we get some multiplication questions in the Captcha.
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Well, if we are gonna have to start doing multiplication, I'm gonna run out of scratch paper and crayons really quick. Might as well go ahead an throw in some gozintas and naughts along with it.
LOL. I'm still struggling with the addition. Some of them actually get into double figures, and when you get them wrong a red warning message lights up. Maybe a pop-up calculator would be good.
Damn. It happened again. "The answer you entered for the CAPTCHA was not correct."
Even worse for me, because the sums can go as high as twenty. Being that I am missing two toes, taking off my shoes doesn't even always help.
You guys can do what I do. Write down the math problem and then open a new page. In the search bar you can use the number section of your keyboard to type in the numbers. The addition is the (+) button. I hope they don't put in multiplication because I don't know which button that is. Anyway... once you get the problem written in the search bar you use the little arrow over the magnifying glass and push it. The google search engine will take you to the problem and its answer.
I hope you all follow my advice so I don't have to start doing multiplying. My live is difficult enough now. Just follow the instructions above. It's not hard. It's easy.
For computers, multiplication is typically represented with the * key:
5 * 2 = 10
All I ask is that you keep potential answers at 18 or below. Helps me save on crayons and paper. Plus, my wife is getting tired of scrubbing my calculations off the walls when I can't find paper.
Oh, I have no control over that. I only help identify spam after it has made it past the defenses. But by putting your complaint here; hopefully it will be taken into consideration by the people who work with that part of the system.
Oh! Crayons! I never thought of that. I have crayons. I got some for Christmas. The problem is that I can only use them when my mommy is watching me because she says, my room is not an easel. I don't know what easel is but the crayons are in the closet that I am not allowed to enter.
@Cog Re: Crayons
My wife finally took mine away after she caught me eating them. *frownie face*
i can imagine the senario T-man
your wife be like~
"give me that crayons..!!!, these metal pen and these metal ruler. have i not told you not to have crayons for snack?"
hahahah..peace T-man
@Q Re: Snacks
Sure, the pens and rulers are okay and all. But the crayons are like gummy candy. (They make me poop funny colors, though.)
Wow.... Just realized this thread took off on a really strange tangent.... *low, slow whistle...* No doubt tech support is scratching their heads and rolling their eyes at the moment. LOL
yeah.. i notice that too..ohh bad.
Ok moving on..sorry for that lousy comments TECH SUPPS
(head down)
Maybe if we had multiplication, we would think twice before going off on tangents?
If we had multiplication I would be too busy calculating to think about anything else, much less tangents. LOL Aw crap. Now we are throwing Trigonometry into the mix. *groan*
@Jax Re: 1+1
WHAAAT???.... Jello?...Really?... Well, crap. No wonder I could never get that one right. I always thought it was "hippopotamus."
Is this really math? This is first grade arithmetic. Mathematics is a way of thinking. Mathematics is the modeling language of science. This is how we model the universe and the atom.
"It's a joke, Howdy."
All these upgrades cost money. Donations?
I use Bing in a new tab and type in the CAPTCHA Math question and get the answer that way...
The OP makes absolutely no sense. First, he wants greenlighted so he doesn't have to do math, then if he can't have that he wants harder math problems.
I must be a complete moron because I can't make heads or tails of the request.
I just need practice for the GRE
@John Re: "I just need practice for the GRE"
Aw, shit. That's actually pretty damn funny. LOL
How goes it, man?
I would replace the math captcha with the following...
IS GOD IMAGINARY - typing 'Yes' allows the post
- typing 'No' renders the post rejected
Would definitely be fun if we could watch the theists trying to answer. lol
How about making "fill in the blank" questions using famous movie quotes? Functional AND entertaining. *chuckle*
Or how about a multiple choice Tin Man...
"Which of the following is imaginary?"
•All of the above
On multiple choice tests, when in doubt always answer "C". LOL
Lol *standing ovation*
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