It's obvious...

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mykcob4's picture
It's obvious...

....that one person keeps spamming this forum. It is an attempt to shut it down. I suggest in employing a tech that can locate where it originates and close it off. I'm sure they use several IP addresses but you can cut it off where those addresses are common.
It is significant at what time they do this. It is about 9 PM CDT. That means it is coming from the middle east Asia area.

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CyberLN's picture
You are correct. It is
algebe's picture
I just saw a bunch of these
mykcob4's picture
Looks like Western India.
LogicFTW's picture
IP blocking only works for
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
@Cyber how about requiring
stealtelevision's picture
You're right. In fact, it is
Eastojamson's picture
I’ve been searching for some
Eastojamson's picture
Great post I would like to
Eastojamson's picture
This is truly an practical
Eastojamson's picture
Two full thumbs up for this
Eastojamson's picture
Thank you very much for
Eastojamson's picture
Very useful post. This is my
Eastojamson's picture
Thanks for sharing this
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I really enjoyed reading this
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I see the greatest contents
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The material and aggregation
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Please give some advice on
Eastojamson's picture
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