Help with picture on mobile

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Seenyab4's picture
Help with picture on mobile

I am trying to upload a picture for my profile through a mobile device. I don't own any laptops or computers and my only access to this site is through an iPad. I keep clicking "upload image," but it never uploads, and I am stuck with the default profile picture.

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks everyone. : )

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ThePragmatic's picture
I'm no expert on Apple, but
Seenyab4's picture
I just checked and it seems I
Seenyab4's picture
Haha, I have found it out.
ThePragmatic's picture
LoL :)
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Attach Image/Video?: 

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Attach Image/Video?: 

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KevinRose's picture
If you're having trouble

If you're having trouble uploading a profile picture on your iPad, ensure you have a stable internet connection and try using a different browser like Safari or Chrome. Check that the image gacha heat meets size and format requirements (e.g., under 2MB, JPEG/PNG). Grant the browser permission to access your photos via Settings > Privacy > Photos

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