Help with my account :(

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JAlexG's picture
Help with my account :(

Hi, how do I enable notifications? I want to get an email when somebody replies to me or posts on a topic of mine in the forums. Thanks!

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Nyarlathotep's picture
there is an option in your

there is an option in your account settings (near the bottom) to receive emails when you get a private message. To my knowledge there is not currently a way to get emails when someone writes a response to you in the forums. But since you posted this in site support, heh maybe the developers will consider this a feature request and work on it! Anyway, goodluck.

CyberLN's picture
There is a "Subscribe to this

There is a "Subscribe to this Post" button available in the OP field. It provides for email notifications on thread updates.

JAlexG's picture
Thank you! It works :)

Thank you! It works :)

dadsasd's picture
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welag's picture
What's happened?

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Sheldon's picture
Hi guys,

Hi guys,

The forum appears to have been down for quite a while, I was wondering if it is likely to be up and running any time soon?



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Alexreynolds's picture
I like this article a lot.

I like this article a lot. You can get help from this site I have quordle

nigexa's picture


bloaha's picture
To the best of my knowledge,

To the best of my knowledge, there is no method to get emails when someone responds to you on the forums. color by number

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