Facebook Join/Login not working

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reposado1999's picture
Facebook Join/Login not working

Hello fellow heathens! I am a new member. I tried joining using the FB option, but I got this error. I joined the long way but thought the site admins would want to know about the apparent FB assholery.



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jay-h's picture
On a parallel note, it would

On a parallel note, it would be great to allow us to log into blog commenting on the standard login. I (like a lot of others) refuse to have a facebook account, so kind of locked out of that.

arakish's picture
On a perpendicular note, you

On a perpendicular note, you can just do like I did when facebook first started and tell them to kiss your ass and go to hell. I literally did that.


lopezharding's picture
Once while I was live

Once while I was live streaming at facebook, suddenly my account was locked. I don't understand why. we become what we behold. This is so absurd.

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On a related topic, you may

On a related topic, you may do what I did when Facebook first launched and tell them to kiss your ass and go to hell. That's exactly what I did. https://geometrydashsubzero.net

floraloz's picture
Try going directly to the

Try going directly to the facebook website. I always do that with https://dynamonsworld.com

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