Hey fellow atheists,
I wanted to write an email to Atheist Republic and offer some free science/atheist resources for the site but the contact section seems to be brocken? I can't find the emailadress. I've tryed it in three different browsers but without luck, the problem is always the same. (firefox, safari and chrome)
Is this a bug or my laptop? If this is somehow me, could someone please tell me the contact emailadress of AR?
thanks and best,
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Phillip try the e-mail again. Sorry that it took me a minute it get back to you on this.
Have you tried the contact section Phillip? http://www.atheistrepublic.com/contact-us
Sorry for the late repy!
jup, tried it but it still doesn't work, I can't see the adress. Any chance you could post the emailadress here?
are you still having issues?, ive sent several test emails and they've went through.
did you miss any required fields or the captcha?
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The address is obscured to me. Would you mind sharing the email address with the rest of us?
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