"You've seen the show, now read the book".

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algebe's picture
"You've seen the show, now read the book".


You'd think that having their religion lampooned by Matt Stone and Trey Parker would send Mormons scurrying back under a rock in Utah. But here in Australia, Mormons see the opening of "The Book of Mormon" as an opportunity to promote their fantasy. Like P.T. Barnum, they apparently believe that there's no such thing as bad publicity.

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Razvan's picture
Stone and Parker predicted

Stone and Parker predicted that the mormons will be taking no offense from the play,way before it got released (...wait... if they made an early prediction and it came true...does that mean that the creators of South Park are some kind of gods?)

Grinseed's picture
Of course they're gods, how

Of course they're gods, how else to explain the continuing resurrection of Kenny?

Cognostic's picture
Face it. From the Mormon

Face it. From the Mormon point of view, "What else would you expect a bunch of heathens to be saying?" Persecution of the faith just proves the Mormons are right and those doing the persecuting are wrong. Besides that, after, Stone and Parker die, they will be Mormons anyway,. Baptism of the dead is always the final word for the Mormons. Once Trey and Stone are Mormon they will rue all the pain ans suffering they have brought about because of their hillarious Broadway Musical.

MCDennis's picture
What would you expect from a

What would you expect from a cult.... good sense??

Myramillan's picture
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