YouTube Videos and why they are annoying.

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mykcob4's picture
YouTube Videos and why they are annoying.

This is a debate form. Understandably in discussions, we need to provide proof of what we claim (yes that goes for all of you christians as well). Inevitably we use YouTubes videos as part of that proof. However, some of us ONLY rely on YouTube videos which by their very nature are unreliable in the same vein that Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter, and the many social media sources are. This is by its very nature unacceptable.
Also if one cares to read the Forum Guidelines #12 states:
"No advertising or self-promotion"
I bring this to attention because lately and from time to time people come here to do just that. They want to get a following on YouTbe. Maybe it is for financial reasons or any number of other reasons but it is still a violation. The point here is that the dabate forum is not a platform to drive people to YOUR YouTube video.
I have ABSOLUTELY NO authority to even ask people to stop this practice but it IS annoying. I don't want to waste time watching a 1-hour video that is nothing more than a self-promotion.
I come here to discuss issues to converse with other members to make observations. I don't come here to go to other sites or watch YouTube videos all day.
Now the moderator will probably say this is a non-issue. Fine so it may very well be. It is just MY observation.

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Sapporo's picture
If a person does link a video
Cognostic's picture
And of course - you don't
trustyoursources's picture
Hi mykcob4 I feel you buddy
mykcob4's picture
trustyoursources's picture
I feel you there are

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