Youth Violence = Deprived OF Christian Values = Aggressive Secularism.

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Rasster's picture
Youth Violence = Deprived OF Christian Values = Aggressive Secularism.


1) The whole western society was built on christian values which is rapidly being torn away by aggressive secularism.

2) Look at all the violence and evil acts committed by our youth when we deprive them from our Christian values on respecting life and the dignity of life.


Main argument:

A history check will show what societies were like before christianity, Roman society entertainment of gladiators and people being fed to wild beasts for example and all societies before the Christianity you will find very inhumane and barbaric lifestyles.

The Moral World Before Christianity:

Morals were always there, because we were created with a conscience, a sense we belong to ,or were put here by a higher power ,and how we act and live shapes our conscience and morals.

For centuries pagan societies have tried to lift themselves up to this God or Gods and put themselves in there place.

Thats another think what makes Christianity so unique, man does not go up to God, but that God comes down to man. He reveals himself, slowly through the prophets of the old testament and fully revealing himself in Christ.



The essence of Christianity is that humanity not matter who or what you are you are made in the image of God and that is the essence of our human dignity and our invaluable worth.


Following from what I said, where would the world be without Gods law, the 10 commandments?

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Rasster - Youth Violence =
Rasster's picture
Yes it was a typo.
Fleeing in Terror's picture
No, you had it right to start
arakish's picture
"1) The whole western society
arakish's picture
Oops. Sorry. Misread.
Rasster's picture
"And in actuality, the
Sapporo's picture
arakish's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Rasster - ...there was a ban
Rasster's picture
There were thousands of
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"1) How many millions of
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I think if you look at the
Sky Pilot's picture
Mark Weber,
MrHolbyta's picture
That is factually incorrect.
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Mark Weber
MrHolbyta's picture
@old man shouts: I was
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Mark Weber
arakish's picture
As have I as I have
Rasster's picture
you will find slavery (the
Sheldon's picture
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David Killens's picture
@ Rasster
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
This has got to be in the
chimp3's picture
How does a religion based on
fruyian's picture
Ok. I am back from my
Rasster's picture
Most of my main post above
Sapporo's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Rasster - As regards slavery,
algebe's picture
@Rasster: As regards slavery,


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