Your Thoughts/Beliefs on Pre-Big Bang Era

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Seek3R's picture
Your Thoughts/Beliefs on Pre-Big Bang Era

Hi there ,

My topic name might sound a bit weird but I just mean what are your beliefs regarding what happened before the big bang.

I do have some knowledge that there was a gravitational singularity that eventually gave rise to the big bang.

So, here, I think, are 4 kinds of people:

1) The religious ones: god caused the singularity and set in motion everything

2) The atheist-agnostic ones: we don't know yet what caused the singularity. But, it's extremely improbable that there was a god so I'll just be happy with "not knowing" or "unknowable" instead of filling the gap with god(s).

3) The deist ones: there ain't no religion and stuff but God was the one who started it all, END OF DISCUSSION. AND I DON'T CARE IF HE IS RETIRED NOW BUT HE DID IT!

4) The skeptically scientific: well, I don't have evidence for what I'm about to say but (theory name here e.g. multiverse, string or others if you have any of your own invented ones) seems to be the most probably one. Since in terms of logic and possibility it supersedes all others, I consider it to be the started of everything.

Soooooooo, what do you think guys (girls too, if any), about what caused the gravitational singularity? Do you fall in any of the 4 kinds of people are you a 5th unique one which I don't know of?

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Seek3R - I do have some
chimp3's picture
"Pre-Big Bang Era". How long


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Seek3R's picture
Ah, cmon, I did rephrase my
chimp3's picture
I don't have any beliefs
chimp3's picture
"Pre-Big Bang Era". How long


Attach Image/Video?: 

Seek3R's picture
Did you attach something? I
chimp3's picture
No, that was a duplicate post
CyberLN's picture
Seek3R, you asked, “Soooooooo
Randomhero1982's picture
I would answer that
LogicFTW's picture
@OP by Seek3R
Cognostic's picture
@Seek3R: Now there is an
Calilasseia's picture
Actually, if the mechanism
david43's picture
Well, it's impossible to say
Nyarlathotep's picture
david43's picture
I guess so. I just like to

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