you don't know what God is.

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watchman's picture
Kataclismic's picture
While us humans get more
Shunt Harvey Ricafort's picture
No One Can Claim Who and who
Sheldon's picture
" The audience of the bible
Mark B. ForBrewster Elfinn's picture
"The audience of the bible
arakish's picture
Actually the Christian God's
dresmith's picture
A couple comments/questions
Tin-Man's picture
Hey, Dresmith. Welcome to the
Anonymous's picture
tin-Man, you are such a cool
Sheldon's picture
"before there was a history
Anonymous's picture
This is a general blanket
porkamotorka's picture
my god would be mightier than
Cognostic's picture
@porkamotorka" Ha! My God
David Killens's picture
My god has a penis larger
Cognostic's picture
My god has a penis that can
Tin-Man's picture
My god has a micro-penis with


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