You couldn't make it up...

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Randomhero1982's picture
You couldn't make it up...

You literally couldn't make this up, Bangladeshi religious folk, in all there infinite wisdom... decided to hold a mass prayer of healing verses to combat coronavirus.

Obviously many Bangladeshis are rightly pissed off at these intellectually defective skidmarks!

How can people still be this stupid?!

Link to the report in the event that you cannot read from the attached screenshot...

It's at 12:50 on the daily feed.



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David Killens's picture
It isn't just those morons in
Randomhero1982's picture
Oh trust me, I can fully
RVBlake's picture
The Catholic Diocese of
Lion IRC's picture
Parish priests are probably
Cognostic's picture
Once someone develops a habit
David Killens's picture
@ Cognostic
Cognostic's picture
@David: Yes, there is that!
Whitefire13's picture
How about this:
dogalmighty's picture
Tin-Man's picture
In regards to the OP, "You
Whitefire13's picture
TM ... living out here -
boomer47's picture
dogalmighty's picture
Cognostic's picture
For most people this is
dogalmighty's picture


Attach Image/Video?: 

Cognostic's picture
Sorry, you are comparing the
dogalmighty's picture
algebe's picture
@Cognostic: It is not worse
Whitefire13's picture
IMO - China is highly
dogalmighty's picture
Whitefire13's picture
I’m waiting for other
Cognostic's picture
The WHO is putting out
Sheldon's picture
Left work and quarantined
Whitefire13's picture
@Sheldon... get well. You
Sheldon's picture
Whitefire13's picture
Self isolating is the thing
Fleeing in Terror's picture
Take care. Too bad I can't
David Killens's picture
@ Sheldon
Sheldon's picture
Thaank you David, and
dogalmighty's picture
Thinking of you Sheldon...not


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