You are not Stephen Hawking's BODY and SOUL to explain that.

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PaulPores's picture
You are not Stephen Hawking's BODY and SOUL to explain that.

When asked about whether or not Stephen Hawkings believed in God before he died.

Atheists said "No".


He did believe in God before he died? Can you Explain it?

You are not Stephen Hawking's BODY and SOUL to explain that.


But I give a hint and you need a Deep Faith.

If you are Catholic or NOT... Stephen Hawking meet 4 Popes in the Catholic Christian Church (Disciple of Jesus Christ)

And his wife is a CATHOLIC... As Catholic you have faith in God.. His wife show full OF LOVE to Husband until the END.

Do YOU think Stephen Hawking.. Did NOT encounter God.. And Did not Believe in GOD?


If you are bible reader as atheists as like to claim they have read the bible.

You should analyse this verse (Mt. 25:31-46)


MR. Stephen Hawking's had many GOOD contributions to show his Love to God:

  • SUPPORT his family,
  • His talent as a scientist in the world,
  • A Good friend;
  • A Good neighbour;
  • A Good Person;

These SHOW his FAITH to God by his works -> JAMES 2:14-20

I Hope YOU KNOW THE TRUTH that Stephen Hawkings Believe in God by his Good works to others (MT. 22:39).

Do you believe that??

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Grinseed's picture
Paul Pores, you are not
PaulPores's picture
And I pray his soul go to
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Paul Pores
Cognostic's picture
In all honesty - What the
Sheldon's picture
That is precisely what this
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@Paul Pores
Sheldon's picture
Professor Stephen Hawking was
Sheldon's picture
"Do you believe that??"
chimp3's picture
It is a passing fad on the
ZeffD's picture
PaulP is typical of so many
chimp3's picture
Well, back in the sixties
sodette's picture
Sapporo's picture
The bible says that atheists
PaulPores's picture
You have not read the bible
Sapporo's picture
You obviously don't know your
Sheldon's picture
"You have not read the bible
mykcob4's picture
So, Pp is back with his lying
Sapporo's picture
At best, he is making an
Sapporo's picture
Who would have thought it?
algebe's picture
@Sapporo: Four popes were
pokefan0047's picture
He was a dedicated atheist (
Sheldon's picture
Paradoxically the sadistic
Nyarlathotep's picture
5 crackpot points for each
Tin-Man's picture
I counted 29 in the OP, Nyar.

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