Yet Another Terrorist Attack

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algebe's picture
Yet Another Terrorist Attack

Four people are dead and many injured after a "lone wolf" terrorist attack near the UK Houses of Parliament. Like the attacks in Nice and Berlin, a vehicle was used a weapon.

As if there wasn't already enough death, grief, danger, and pain in the world, these deluded death cults bring their lunacy into our lives by convincing impressionable young minds that they can buy themselves a ticket to an endless sex frolic in paradise by committing murder and suicide. They are a disgrace to our species. I'm angry.

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xenoview's picture
The damage religion does in
ImFree's picture
The "religion of peace"
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London attack: What we know
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Religious spin on the attack.
mykcob4's picture
Point: Suicide is forbidden
Jared Alesi's picture
If a Christian murders twelve
algebe's picture
This one didn't commit
MCDennis's picture
Suicide may be forbidden in
Sky Pilot's picture
Well, we are in a war that's
MCDennis's picture
Diotrephes, you wrote: "
Sky Pilot's picture
It was in the newspapers.
xenoview's picture
More terrorism in the name of

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