Yet Another Potential Challenge to the National Motto...?

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psyekl's picture
Yet Another Potential Challenge to the National Motto...?

I'm curious: The national motto: "In God We Trust" has been deemed by the courts not to be a violation of the support of a single religion over others.

What about the fact that the word "God" is capitalized? As specifying a singular, named deity? Surely the addition of "All The" after the first word "In" and making the word plural would not alter the same all-inclusiveness of the phrase, and I (for one), would accept it as satisfying the rule of the law.

So suggest to make it: "In All The Gods We Trust."

I'm certain the multi-cultural minded individuals of this nation will agree! This certainly wouldn't expose the hypocrisy of the motto...

Of course "E Pleribus Unum" still has that "ring" to it...

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dogalmighty's picture
LOL...I like your brain. One
Sapporo's picture
Of course the ruling is
Tin-Man's picture
Howdy, Psyeklotic! Welcome to
Cognostic's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Yet Another Potential
NewSkeptic's picture
@Old Man
Sky Pilot's picture
Cognostic's picture
@Diotrephes - You are
Sky Pilot's picture
Cognostic's picture
@Diotrephes: " It only has
arakish's picture
@ Psyeklotic

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