In a small town in Texas, 26 people were murdered BY A FUCKING GUN!
When people were mowed down by a truck on a bike path, the entire conservative population SCREAMS for a war with islamics, yet a mass shooting in Vegas, and now another in Texas, and all the conserva-TURDS can say is "this is no time for politics."
It is TIME to rid this nation of GUNS PERIOD.
Trump says that this isn't a "gun issue", it's a "mental health issue."
But Trump actually signed this bill:
Trump Signs Bill Revoking Obama-Era Gun Checks for People With Mental Illnesses
In Sutherland Springs Texas at least 7% of the entire population was murdered because of EASY FUCKING ACCESS TO GUNS!
Let's just take a little inventory.
Americans are basically uneducated, brainwashed by propaganda, and irresponsible.
You can buy laser pointers. A useful tool....BUUUUUT, what do Americans do with them? They point them at the eyes of jet pilots!
Automobiles. Again a useful tool, but Americans think that they are macho-bullshit-racecar-drivers and drive irresponsibly.
Cellphones. Great product, useful, but Americans can't even put them down while driving. They have to text, talk, watch TV and do everything else but drive. People get so involved with their phone that some have even walked off of cliffs. Not to mention people are RUDE about their phones. The phone call or text, or twitter alert is somehow more important than the person right next to you EVEN IF IT IS YOUR OWN FUCKING KID!
America needs to grow the fuck up!
Put down that phone, drive safely, don't have a firearm.
Don't get me started on firecrackers, big wheels, hoverboards, etc! AND GODDAMNED DRONES. Nice toy but what do Americans do with them? They fly them near passenger jets, buzz their neighbors, or cars.
I am so sick and tired of the adolescent behavior of Americans. I understand about personal freedom. FUCK! I served 22 years defending that freedom, but irresponsibility isn't a FREEDOM, it's a crime.
Americans should not have guns. There is absolutely no need for guns!
lets put this into perspective:
Vegas shooting: 58 killed 489 others injured.
Texas church shooting: 26 killed 20 others wounded.
NYC bike path terror attack: 8 killed 12 or so injured.
These are the major attacks in the last few months. It's clear that we have a minor terrorist problem and a FUCKING MAJOR GUN PROBLEM in this nation. The guy in Texas reeled off over 400 rounds, from a gun he bought legally. The guy in Vegas had a "bump-stock" that legally allowed him to turn a semi-automatic into a machine gun.
This is fucking nuts.
Fuck the NRA, and FUCK every motherfucker that misunderstands the 2nd Amendment. Fuck the conservative bastards that won't enact gun regulation, but after a mass shooting wants to hold a "prayer vigil"! Fucking stupid!
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