Would you like a slice?

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Apple Pi's picture
Would you like a slice?

Hello, ladies and gentle men of AR. I an an Atheist, and I have been looking at the site for a few months now. I finally decided to fully join in on the fun. If there is anything you'd like to know, just ask.

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mykcob4's picture
What's up with "3.14"? Does
Apple Pi's picture
I do hope everyone gets the
algebe's picture
Judging from the name and
Apple Pi's picture
That's a good one, mate, but
algebe's picture
Exactly. You are the pi pear.
Apple Pi's picture
A bit of both, i guess. My
Nyarlathotep's picture
"My username is the
Apple Pi's picture
Mate, the last time I tried
chimp3's picture
Welcome 3:14 ! Since you have
Apple Pi's picture
Many things! First and

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