The world before christianity

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mykcob4's picture
The world before christianity

We can look at different societies that existed before or without chrisianity.
Well, let's take the Greeks. They excelled in science, philosophy, art, literature, architecture, engineering, education. The Greeks invented democracy.
Hmmm, no need for christianity back then. The world actually excelled and striving forward.
The Romans, basically the same as the Greeks with the exception of democracy.
The Incas, Aztecs, and Mayans, all had very sophisticated societies without christianity. The Mayan calendar is STILL the most accurate calendar in the world.
The Chinese, probably the most sophisticated people of the pre-christian era. They basically invented everything.
So basically the world was just fine before christianity.
Well, let's take a look at what happened when christianity arose.
Ah, the 'Dark Ages'. Sure the dark ages are called that because there was less sunlight that caused a minor ice age, BUT, that time coincided with repression of science, knowledge, advancement in every area.
basically, christianity ushered ina multiple century retardations of humanity in every aspect of humanity.
Now some would have you believe that humanity advanced because of direct involvement (dictatorship) of christianity. The fact is that humanity would have achieved advances in science and every aspect of man if christianity didn't interrupt and retard that advancement.
The notion that genetics would not have been studied if a monk hadn't been supported by christianity is ridiculous. The fact is that if christianity had not retarded education, there would have been more people searching, studying, and making discoveries much sooner.
Science was beginning to emerge in the Greek and Roman societies until it came to a screeching halt by christianity. It isn't until the enlightenment (non-christian) also known as the 'Renaissance'. The age/era is noteworthy as a time that christianity was defied openly and achieved great things in spite of christianity.
So it is historic that christianity has held back humanity for several hundreds of years. In the Dark Ages, christianity took humanity almost all the way back to the Stone Ages!

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algebe's picture
To take just one example,
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The Churches also objected
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