Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Forum Demographics

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Fleeing in Terror's picture
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Forum Demographics

Out of idle curiosity, what percentage of members of this forum are atheists and how many are like me, Christian, but showing up here because only atheists hold religious debates?

The religious surveys even say so, If you ask most 'religious' people about their faith, they are clue less. The most religiously informed group is the atheists.

It is also one of the reasons I like the New York Times. They also have great religious/ moral editorials and articles.

I am NOT talking about the - I belong to the magic group that means I get to kill people debates you find on a lot of 'religious' sites.

I confess to being an equal opportunity troll. I post anywhere I think I can get someone to listen to help stop pedophilia and penis worship.

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chimp3's picture
I don't believe anyone has
Fleeing in Terror's picture
Rule by XX - not necessarily.
CyberLN's picture
You referred to atheists as a
Fleeing in Terror's picture
Ask the IT.
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“Ask the IT.”
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Fleeing in Terror's picture
I think the television comic
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You are wrong about the
Fleeing in Terror's picture
Interesting Again. I am new
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Everything is godless!
LogicFTW's picture
I think the television comic
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Fleeing in Terror's picture
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Fleeing in Terror's picture
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@MPO Re: "But you are all
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Great atrocities have been
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Mrs. Owczarek,
Fleeing in Terror's picture
I did that in my first post -


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