Wishy Washy Moderate Islam is BULLSHT!

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Cognostic's picture
Wishy Washy Moderate Islam is BULLSHT!

If you begin a debate with a moderate Muslim, (AKA - A Muslim that does not follow the Quaran or its religion properly) they will attempt to avoid your well substantiated arguments by watering down the message of their faith and the Quaran.

They will tell you that the 72 virgin concept does not define Islam or even that it does not exist. Some might even assert that sex virgins do not exist in Islam. But sex virgins come from the biggest source of Islamic Bullshit, The Quaran.

"Indeed we have produced the women of paradise in a new creation and made them virgins, devoted to their husbands and of equal age," 56: 35-37

"Full breasted companions of equal age." 78: 33

Virgins in heaven are for men, so that they can lie about all day, drink, have sex, and worship Allah. These women have no free will. They are big breasted, full eyed, and untouched.

"There will be no one without a wife in paradise" Sahih Muslim 40: 67-93 And of course the men will have their earthly wives as well. What a great treat for the women.

How will the men keep up with all these women? Well in Islamic heaven the men will be given the strength of 100 men. Tirmidhi 4:12 25-36

Heaven is a place for fornication with virgins, worshiping Allah and ..... little else.

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NewSkeptic's picture
..and what the fuck is the
Grinseed's picture
Perhaps virgins are preferred
xenoview's picture
I'm surprised the virgins
NewSkeptic's picture
"I'm surprised the virgins
Sheldon's picture
Mon, 08/26/2019 - 16:15 #3
LogicFTW's picture
When we actually examine,
NewSkeptic's picture
LogicFTW's picture
NewSkeptic's picture
"exciting and new".
David Killens's picture
I am sure any fellow sailors
Cognostic's picture
Possibly's picture
What a delight to have your
Sheldon's picture
Leper "What a delight to
Possibly's picture
Sheldon's picture
Leper "If there was (there
Cognostic's picture
@Leper: Someone is
Possibly's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Leper - Wikipedia is not a
Cognostic's picture
@Leper - Where do you see
Cognostic's picture
Possibly's picture
The Arabic word isn't "virgin
Tin-Man's picture
@Leper Re: "The Arabic word
algebe's picture
@Tin-Man: What does the word
Tin-Man's picture
@Algebe Re: Grapes
Cognostic's picture
@LeperL "The Arabic word
Cognostic's picture
Cognostic's picture
Possibly's picture
It wasn't me who brought up
Possibly's picture
I didn't see any word in
Cognostic's picture
@Leper: TROLL - If you
Possibly's picture
I think you have an anger


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