Will someone explain what the fuck I just saw?

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Jeet Balraj's picture
Will someone explain what the fuck I just saw?

Was visiting my christian grandparents back in the countyside.They were watching the God channel about some christian crusade,I really didn't care about.The things got fucked up.

A dude got onto the pulpit with crutches,he could barely balance.Then he lay prostate on the floor as the pastor prayed.I was smiling devilishly on the inside and rolling my eyes at the clueless nerd when suddenly shit happened.
The guy got up slowly starting walking on his two fucking feet (my smile died down).Then he broke into a run whilst doing somersaults as the audience shouted,"Its a MIRACLE!".
WTF!Whats going on here?



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chimp3's picture
What do you think is going on
Endri Guri's picture
True, if not absolutely true.
Nyarlathotep's picture
A good example:https://www
chimp3's picture
I went to a Bennie Hinn
watchman's picture
OK…so the preacher stops the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
When seeing something like
Jeet Balraj's picture
Yeah,it must have been a
Nyarlathotep's picture
Yeah as others have said,
ThePragmatic's picture
Why doesn't faith healing
Thomas the Doubter's picture
Idiotic fake miracles repel
chimp3's picture
Thomas the Doubter : My brand
ThePragmatic's picture
For sure, there are many
Thomas the Doubter's picture
What I meant was he believed
Nyarlathotep's picture
When the faith healers start
Thomas the Doubter's picture
Good point, although I did
Nyarlathotep's picture
You heard of it? Yeah, you
Thomas the Doubter's picture
I don't doubt that miracles
Dave Matson's picture
It's not science's job to
Thomas the Doubter's picture
Some claims of religious
Nyarlathotep's picture
Why is there no outrage?
charvakheresy's picture

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