It seems to be a real problem. Every time somebody says something against free will (for example the 'standard argument'), or even notes that somebody said it, every time there is a topic about Catholic archbishops and cardinals, every time good historiosophical argument come into light on a page (such as, a 'mere user' comes and deletes them, pretending to do it carefully but with commitment, with tricks but still as a mere user, then you observe that struggling with him is pointless. They don't let you revert content and expect, they themselves revert yours; and whenever you're stubborn on a change they bring admins and bans as much as they want. The problem is so systematic extinction of best atheistic arguments that it must be connected with Wikimedia as a whole. Their current decidents seem to serve Vatican in the worst possible way, by fighting freedom of knowledge. Even the article on was once almost deleted, although there are many other such pages on Nietzsche in this encyclopedia. The worst fight is against good articles on free will which highlight rationalistic criticisms.
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