Why you don't believe in god?

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DomYoRich's picture
Why you don't believe in god?


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an_order_of_magnitude's picture
Because, the arguments that
CyberLN's picture
Because I find it it's
algebe's picture
From the age of five, I said
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Dom
chimp3's picture
I don't believe the people
miracleman12's picture
Dave Matson's picture
bigbill's picture
since I consider myself an
Nyarlathotep's picture
agnostic enlightener - since
BAACKJD's picture
Since I'm a 36 year old from
ThePragmatic's picture
When asked what made people
Dave Matson's picture
The Pragmatic,
algebe's picture
The Japanese holy book
Andrematomer's picture
I am Christian for 15 years
MCDennis's picture
Which gods or god are you
Pitar's picture
I have no idea, really. Does
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
1)Because I don't fear the
Dave Matson's picture
There are many reasons why I
mykcob4's picture
Curious? Really? I doubt it
curtisabass's picture
I believe the correct

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