Why would god make some people gay if he hates gay people?

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GoldenLotus's picture
Why would god make some people gay if he hates gay people?

I have several friends and some relatives who are gay. It surprises me that they remain Christians and keep going to the church even though they are well aware of the teachings and beliefs of their religion regarding homosexuality. They are aware of how some church members judge them and treat them as if they have some kind of psychological problems. A lot of times they are being disrespected and made fun of. What surprises me even more is the fact that they themselves think that being gay is something wrong and not normal but that they have no control over it or that it's some kind of an incurable illness. They believe that they are committing a sin by being gay and make up for it by asking for forgiveness and doing good deeds. I've asked some of them that if god hates gay people, why would he make them gay in the first place? None so far has provided me a convincing answer to this question.

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Stu. K.'s picture
Welp the thing is, is that
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
He doesn't hate gay only so
Nutmeg's picture
I thought man was made in god
truthseeker17's picture
First off, the phrase "God
Nutmeg's picture
I'm glad you're wicked too,
Stu. K.'s picture
Why should we have to deal
Capt.Bobfm's picture
God didn't create anyone or
Travis Hedglin's picture
Heaven needs interior
Stu. K.'s picture
What the hell does that have
Travis Hedglin's picture
It would explain why he make
Nutmeg's picture
Gotta keep the place looking

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