why would god create the devil?

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Stephen Killingsworth's picture
why would god create the devil?

I was wondering recently where angels came from. Thinking about it, they would have had to be created by god. So in turn, as was the devil. So I started looking into it and the only answer I got was some bogus statement about free will. I mean what kind of god says he love you but will let you willingly make the choices that lead to eternal damnation?

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Pitar's picture
It's the usual disclaimer man
Mitch's picture
Poor god. love can only
cmallen's picture
Now that is funny!
ThePragmatic's picture
Good one! :D
goodspear's picture
Pitar, All the defects in
CyberLN's picture
Prove it.
ThePragmatic's picture
"We were all born with the
Nyarlathotep's picture
The Pragmatic - "If we are
Mitch's picture
For love.
goodspear's picture
God created us perfect when
CyberLN's picture
Ronda, Ronda, Ronda...when,
gcibulka's picture
"God created us perfect" How
ThePragmatic's picture
@ atheistpasta
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"why would god create the
goodspear's picture
Hi Jeff,
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"I am wondering if you even
Andrew McArthur's picture
You folks do realize there is
CyberLN's picture
Actually, Andrew, it isn't
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Andrew, like CyberLN
Travis Hedglin's picture
Hell if I know, none of this
Kataclismic's picture
It's the cosmic bet: God bet
Mitch's picture
Why did god create anything?
goodspear's picture
HI Mitch,
Stephen Killingsworth's picture
But why would he create the
Mitch's picture
I appreciate your taking the
goodspear's picture
Hi Mitch, I love my son
Mitch's picture
Thank you for sharing your
goodspear's picture
Thank you for seeing that I
Mitch's picture
Your word is the one I'm
goodspear's picture
Hi Sykillings,


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