Why would any woman that has truly read the Bible follow it?

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Burn Your Bible's picture
Why would any woman that has truly read the Bible follow it?

I want to see if their are any woman that have read the Bible and how they justify the extreme sexism. (I am not saying that woman don't or cannot read the Bible I am just trying to find a woman's perspective )

Also I understand the fear of mortality but I want a true explanation of why woman think they were put on earth to please man.

1 Corinthians 11:9

“Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.”
King James Version (KJV)

Thank you sincerely,
Burn your bible

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jonthecatholic's picture
“There is no God” Psalm 14:1
Burn Your Bible's picture
Put the whole verse for
jonthecatholic's picture
If you include the verses
Burn Your Bible's picture
So if multiple verses explain
jonthecatholic's picture
When taken out of their
CyberLN's picture
I think your question is
Burn Your Bible's picture
CyberLN's picture
Why are you just asking women
Burn Your Bible's picture
I actually appreciate your
Flamenca's picture
Cyber is right, @Burnyour. My
Burn Your Bible's picture
My approach to atheist is not
Flamenca's picture
@Burnyour It's not up to me
CyberLN's picture
But, burn, you didn't ask
rattail788's picture
Actually, men should weigh
CyberLN's picture
RatTail, you said, "Actually,
Flamenca's picture
I'm just a woman, not every
Burn Your Bible's picture
I think the cherry pick hit
AJ777's picture
Burn your Bible, have you
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To answer you quickly the
AJ777's picture
I think what you’re saying is
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I do not believe as an
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But why is your opinion
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Well I believe that humans
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If there is one action that
Burn Your Bible's picture
Just to discredite your
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A dictator would be inside
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as Darwin said it’s just
AJ777's picture
When did macro evolution
Flamenca's picture
Please, scientists in the
AJ777's picture
So you’re saying survival of


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