Why is the world so attracted to Gods

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Schibaka's picture
Why is the world so attracted to Gods

Okey okey so im trying to get some sense out of the human race, what makes religion tick for us. Why are you so dependent on a God to exist, why cant you live without even thinking about it ? Why is it so important for you to know if there is a God. Isnt it kind of pathethic to bow down to a God when you are your own human being with your own free mind?

Im just sayin, when you are praying to Jesus or some guy, you are basicly saying "Hey god you own me, il do whatever you wanna do. Please give me signs, i am your puppet untill death" <--- Its pathethic.

Even if a God were standing before you, why would you bow down to him?

Fucking start living only dependant on yourself, and drop this God madness, its really getting old ;P

You are free, in those terms it means there is no one who owns you, there is NO person in this world who can tell you what to do or not what to do, not even the goverment or the police. Start living free race, you are doing the opposite.

Earth is like watching a MMORPG game, where every human being does the same action every day. You are robots xD

" A human mind is not capable of entrapment, it makes the mind crack... "

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