Why wasting your time proving over the internet how wrong you are?

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Flatland's picture
Why wasting your time proving over the internet how wrong you are?

The only way to be right is to prove yourself wrong but all you do is proving yourself wrong.

I know this makes sense to you but to me it doesn't but don't care about me though, I'm having fun.

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NewSkeptic's picture
Gawd, if you are out there, I
Sheldon's picture
I give everyone the benefit
Flatland's picture
Did any of it work?
boomer47's picture
CyberLN's picture
It worked.
boomer47's picture
CyberLN's picture
He was escorted back to his


Attach Image/Video?: 

CyberLN's picture
BTW, this troll actually
LogicFTW's picture
That is an awesome picture,
dogalmighty's picture
Been to see the troll
boomer47's picture
Sheldon's picture
Lalaland has left the
Tin-Man's picture
@Cyber Re: Flatland Ejection
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
The wind seems to have died
boomer47's picture
@Tin -man
Cognostic's picture
HUH! Someone needs a basic
Cognostic's picture
CYBER!!! yeaaaaa! My
elphidium55's picture
As we used to say in Oklahoma
boomer47's picture
dogalmighty's picture
Damn it...I missed it.
Grinseed's picture
dogalmighty's picture
LOL...oh shiznit...February.

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