Why the theory of god the creator is so silly and trivial.

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vendetta's picture
Why the theory of god the creator is so silly and trivial.

Why the theory of god the creator is so silly and trivial.

God as a theory is precisely illogical.
life is such a simple thing compared to the great mysterious claimed god,
and if the great intricate god could come without a creator, then why the simple in comparison life, can't exist without a creator? This is illogical!

Why not to replace the term god with the life, and rather say life came without a creator or life created itself. At least existence of life is indisputable!

God is an imaginary conflicted idea and it was tucked into our thoughts which was not innovative in a dark period of the history. I regardless call it misconception!

In conclusion, chances of this theory to be right are equal ZERO, as long as there's no plausible evidence about its authenticity and this is the final judgement in that case, ladies & gentlemen.



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watchman's picture
Exactly !
Cognostic's picture
Ummm..... There is no
vendetta's picture
Your parents created you, but
Cognostic's picture
Things that are created, have
Grinseed's picture
I have been re-reading some
David Killens's picture
Life was "caused" by certain
vendetta's picture
I can't find the right term
David Killens's picture
Cognostic's picture
@David Killens: I agree.
David Killens's picture
arakish's picture
First of all, "God the
Get off my lawn's picture
You will have to
Tin-Man's picture
@Get off my lawn
Get off my lawn's picture
Thank you for the kind words.
toto974's picture
A lot of african traditional
Get off my lawn's picture
I'm not suggesting you should
toto974's picture
@Get off my lawn
arakish's picture
Yes. Religion must evolve

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