Why is this still even a problem?

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Johnathan Graham's picture
Why is this still even a problem?

The subtle affiliation with laws in the U.S makes me sick. We have people who are opposing laws like legal abortion, the non teaching of religion in school, etc, These people are proposing these standards based off of subjective thoughts. It makes me sick how some people doing this actually have power in the U.S as well. Our(Assuming atheists/agnostics are reading this) representation in congress is 1 person. This is being that one person openly admits as an atheist.

We are stuck in these old school ideals when in all honesty, we should be shifting. We are finding evidence for evolution everyday(despite having the vast amount we already do). Science is advancing so fast, somebody created a hover board, A freaking hover board. But, in all seriousness, you would think for how much our species is advancing, we would gain a more independent view on life, and observe things more objectively, rather than subjectively.

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Zaphod's picture
I recently went over my moms
CyberLN's picture
Abortion is absolutely a
NeMar's picture
I think that there are two
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
NeMar, I agree.
Mardze's picture
I think it won't be problem

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