Why religion?

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Burn Your Bible's picture
Why religion?

So when I look at different religions I see oppression, I do not see happiness or love I see hate, judgement, death, mistreatment of youth, racism, sexism, ideas that have no facts to back them up....

Now I could go on but you get the point, but what I want to know is if you are a theist... why? What makes you want to worship? What makes you feel like you are worthless without a god? Why follow and throw away science and facts? Why subject your children to fear tactics to scare them into behaving?

Is it only because of fear of your own mortality?

I really want to know why.........

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jonthecatholic's picture
Careful trying to paint all
Stu. K.'s picture
And you can't be an atheist
Burn Your Bible's picture
Jon we have had this talk
jonthecatholic's picture
"If you want to say every
Burn Your Bible's picture
Jon please tell me how early
jonthecatholic's picture
My father taught me nothing
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@Jon the Catholic: "Sometimes
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What “mistranslation” are you
algebe's picture
The Hebrew word is "Almah",
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"In the few verses where
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@Jon the Catholic: "Although
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You miss understand the
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Sheldon's picture
Jon the Catholic " it’s able
jonthecatholic's picture
Up until a certain age, I
Burn Your Bible's picture
JOC that is just plain silly!
jonthecatholic's picture
Well, I won't try to justify
Burn Your Bible's picture
No my assumption is not that
jonthecatholic's picture
So you’re giving the police
Burn Your Bible's picture
What is the punishment for
Sheldon's picture
"I read the arguments of both
jonthecatholic's picture
I’d actually agree with the
mykcob4's picture
If you can't be moral without
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Strange how what I say
chorlton's picture
catholic church morality =
jonthecatholic's picture
Wow. Where are you getting
chorlton's picture
I find all religion
Sheldon's picture
How do you feel about the
jonthecatholic's picture
I'll grant you that the RCC
Sheldon's picture
"I'll grant you that the RCC


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