Why judge people?

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mysticrose's picture
Why judge people?

I have read a lot of ironic and cruel statements on this forum. There are theists who judge the atheists while there are even more atheists who judge the few theists on this community. Sort of statement such as dumb, fools, etc., are not good for me. I know that everyone is trying to debate friendly but still some can’t just stop expressing their opinions extravagantly. Why judge people just because of his/her belief, it’s quite not fair, right?

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MsStaciF's picture
"there are even more atheists
Chuck Rogers's picture
Atheists don't have a problem
Ellie Harris's picture
Agreed mysticrose. It is
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
We are free to judge whoever
Chuck Rogers's picture
I should have included this
ImFree's picture
In the United States atheists
mysticrose's picture
I noticed that members who
CyberLN's picture
What you consider foul

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