I'm curious as to the issue, because no matter what digging I do in the bible or quran, I can't seem to find an explanation as to why homosexuality is bad. The feelings are perfectly normal, and most people admit to watching some form of homosexual acts in pornography. So why did the Arab religions make it tantamount to deviltry? It makes no sense (as if that weren't a recurring issue in itself).
First of all, I highly doubt it was known that unprotected sex of any kind, let alone homosexual, could pass disease. Most people died early from disease or malnutrition in those areas, and death by any other means was frequent enough to probably be seen as universal, and could hardly be tied to one action in particular. Second, history is full of homosexual acts and themes, so it would stand to reason that the act of homosexuality wasn't anything new to the religions of Abraham, and was fairly well established as a practice. People generally fear the new, but it wasn't new. Homosexuality has been around since the first male monkey asserted his dominance over another. So why would something which would appear to have no negative effects, and which was frequent enough in the world to have gained commentary status by historians be so hated in the holy books? If anyone would like to explain or just spitball some ideas as to why such hatred for the practice came to be, by all means. I'm quite puzzled.
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