Why is God NOT real?

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AnonMtz20's picture
Why is God NOT real?

God is real to me. Others believe He isn't. I am wondering, though, why isn't He? Because you don't see Him? I am really curious.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
I can't speak for everyone of
AnonMtz20's picture
I've not ever heard of those
Nyarlathotep's picture
It seems unrealistic that
Ellie Harris's picture
Why so you have faith in an
mysticrose's picture
There are lot of deities in
Lmale's picture
Sorry i hate correcting you
Олександр Грінченко's picture
The question in wrong and
Capt.Bobfm's picture
Please enlighten us and tell
maryam's picture
I think I can answer it..!!!
gerstelbrau's picture
Maryam: You said:
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Never ask the WHY question to
AnonMtz20's picture
He is a she. Hahah and I don
Sloth's picture
I am a former Christian.
ChildofGod's picture
Like you said as a former
Nyarlathotep's picture
"Us current Christians
ChildofGod's picture
there are no such thing as
Zaphod's picture
So when you do pray do not
ChildofGod's picture
no we ask God for the
Zaphod's picture
There is a differnce between
ex-christian_atheist's picture
"Where you went wrong is
vismitananda's picture
Man has already reached the
ChildofGod's picture
believe me when i say this, i
Zaphod's picture
If you don't look both ways
ChildofGod's picture
Well wherever you heard that
Zaphod's picture
It was a joke told by a
ChildofGod's picture
then please tell me what the
Zaphod's picture
God helps those who help
CyberLN's picture
"believe me when i say this,
ChildofGod's picture
how is it selfish? because i
CyberLN's picture
well, I think you are the one


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