Here I want to provide a logical argument against equality. Equality being the forced redistribution of wealth to promote equity and the general coercion of the population by the government to promote equity. This is not about equal opportunity which I do not have a problem with. It is also not about the voluntary redistribution of wealth to promote equity. People can voluntarily do what they want.
The problem: Equality promotes stability and stability promotes crashes.
Kindly look at the following equation:
Crash = Time + Stability
This obviously makes no sense and is counter intuitive. Let me give you an example:
There is a pot of water boiling and the lid is rattling. You then put a weight on the lid to promote stability. Now the lid is stable and there is no more noise. As the pressure builds up the lid starts making noise again. So you put on more weight in order to promote stability. And you keep doing this. But at some point the whole thing blows up.
In the above example the promotion of stability causes an explosion. The pot of water just needed enough TIME and STABILITY before it blew up. Releasing steam would be allowing for instability but would have prevented the explosion.
Another example would be putting out all the fires in a forest. Eventually, after a long time, an unstoppable fire will come along and burn down everything.
But does society work like a forest? How does a forest work?
Researchers have plotted the distribution of fire size in forests: Size of fire vs frequency. The log-plot looks like a straight line and follows the power law distribution.
So what!
"The maths underlying the 80/20 rule, known as the power law distribution, is found in many natural systems over which no single human has much influence." -
In the power law distribution, the future is heavily dependent on the past and follows a feedback loop process. A feedback loop process will always blow up (think microphone next to a speaker) unless negative feedback is introduced. Putting out the little fires (suppressing negative feedback) just means bigger ones are coming. Put out the big ones and the mother of all fires is coming. Put out that one and the forest sits on edge of catastrophe forever, or until it gets wiped out.
Let us take a look at a few other things that follow the power law distribution:
1. Wealth distribution -
2. Stock market crashes -
3. War -
4. Terrorism -
5 Forest fires -
6. Snow avalanches -
7. Sand pile collapses -
8. Earthquakes -
Sand Pile Model of the Mind Grows in Popularity - Scientific American -
General source: Ubiquity: Why Catastrophes Happen: Mark Buchanan: 9780609809983: Books -
Yes, societies work a lot like forests in the sense that both are feedback loop systems where the future is heavily dependent on the past. Hence, a similar crash distribution - the power law distribution.
The promotion of equity (and stability) in a society effectively puts out many of the fires. It stops many of the little avalanches or the little earthquakes. In other words, it makes a society more stable. Meanwhile, big (more hidden) problems are slowly growing that otherwise might be eliminated. Some examples of big problems: 9/11, 2008 financial crash, talk of civil war and talk of great-power war.
Equality promotes stability and stability promotes crashes.
"Stability is destabilizing" - Hyman Minsky
Did Hyman Minsky find the secret behind financial crashes? - BBC News -
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