If you had a world with only one book...
The Bible
And half of the world said The Bible was fiction.
And half of the wold said The Bible was factual.
Wouldn't the entire whole world say Jesus Christ is Lord IF EVERYBODY saw the book from THEIR own personal viewpoint instead of SOMEBODY ELSES personal viewpoint? In the Biblical Universe Jesus Christ is Lord
If you had a world with only one book...
The Hobbit
And half of the world said The Hobbit was fiction.
And half of the wold said The Hobbit was factual.
Wouldn't the entire whole world say Frodo Baggins is a Hobbit IF EVERYBODY saw the book from THEIR own personal viewpoint instead of SOMEBODY ELSES personal viewpoint? In The Hobbit Universe Frodo Baggins is a Hobbit.
But IF everybody saw it from SOMEBODY ELSES personal viewpoint they would all be arguing over whether it's fact or fiction - or if there were AT LEAST ONE selfish group which saw it from SOMEBODY ELSES personal viewpoint rather than THEIR OWN personal viewpoint. A destructive group rather than a creative group.
I spoke to an Atheist and he told me the Biblical Universe is our Universe and I asked him who told him that and he said The Bible told him. He believed The Bible and cherry picked just enough, by believing just enough, to allow him destroy The Bible as both a work of fiction and something which has the potential to be real just like all works of fictions have the potential to be real.
For some reason you don't want The Bible either in the Fake or Real section - you just want it in the section which says it's fake pretending to be real and that section is called the 'religious section' which destroys and trashes The Bible, the characters and the storyline, through worthless 'religious' debate.
There is no debate.
The Bible belongs in the Fiction section at the very least, to start off with, and The Bible in the Fiction section says:
Jesus Christ walked on water, turned water into wine, died and rose again, and is the Son of God.
If The Bible is in the Fictional section it's one step closer to becoming reality like all fictional works are so if The Bible did make it into the Factual section because it's true then:
Jesus Christ walked on water, turned water into wine, died and rose again, and is the Son of God.
The Bible in the 'Fictional Pretending to be Factual Section' debates...
It says Jesus Christ didn't walked on water, he didn't turn water into wine, he didn't die and rise again, and he isn't the Son of God.
The religious section destroys the LORE of the Biblical Univers and the Atheists put it there.
It's like debating whether Darth Vader uses the force in the Star Wars Universe.
It's like asking for proof Darth Vader is who he says he is.
Do you want scientific proof Superman can fly?
Saying Jesus Christ went to India and became a monk is like saying Harry Potter went to India and became a monk.
Jesus Christ didn't go to India to become a monk and neither did Harry Potter otherwise it would say so in the LORE of their respective Universe.
They didn't put The Hobbit into the religious section to be debated like they did with the Bible.
Nobody says Bilbo isn't a Hobbit. Why is that?
Are you afraid if it is put into the fiction section it might become a reality and the characters in The Bible destroy selfish power?
Atheism would disappear forever? Just looking after yourselves? Selfish perhaps?
Getting rich off somebody elses work by destroying it?
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