Why don’t some atheists acknowledge Gods existence is reasonable?

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AJ777's picture
Why don’t some atheists acknowledge Gods existence is reasonable?



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AJ777's picture
There is evidence for the
Keith Raye's picture
There aren't many idiots
Sheldon's picture
"There is evidence for the
Vokha Rustus's picture
There are things we cannot
Burn Your Bible's picture
CyberLN's picture
Alexis, you wrote, "The
Nyarlathotep's picture
Alexis - by looking at the
mykcob4's picture
algebe's picture
@Alexis: "you will be amazed
Flamenca's picture
This guy you posted is so
sansdeity's picture
Frank Turek's arguments sound
LostLocke's picture
83 minutes for part 1 of 2?
Burn Your Bible's picture
Ok I watched it ..... hmmmm
AJ777's picture
Still looking for an honest
Burn Your Bible's picture
Still looking for a theist on
AJ777's picture
I’ve answered your questions
Burn Your Bible's picture
What question have you
AJ777's picture
Burny, which question would
Burn Your Bible's picture
How did Adam and Eve die?
AJ777's picture
From gotquestions website.
Thinker's picture
and your proof of this book's
Flamenca's picture
Yay, facts. That's the Bible.
sansdeity's picture
Um, wow. A look into the
AJ777's picture
The traditional explanation
Burn Your Bible's picture
So do all christians believe
AJ777's picture
I don’t know what all
Burn Your Bible's picture
What question?
Burn Your Bible's picture
Also your bullshit answer
AJ777's picture
If you are asking do I
Burn Your Bible's picture
So do you believe the bible


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