Why don’t Atheists believe in God?

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Foe4500's picture
Why don’t Atheists believe in God?

What grounds you to Earth, what keeps you breathing, what keeps you guessing?

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toto974's picture
Most times, there are two
AJ777's picture
1). Abundant evidence exists,
toto974's picture
AJ777's picture
1). There are many arguments
toto974's picture
1) So let's talk about your
LogicFTW's picture
toto974's picture
Sheldon's picture
A blatant lie, if abundant
gupsphoo's picture
I also find it amusing that
Sheldon's picture
Oh tell me about it, you ask
rickgreenley2's picture
What empirical evidence do
Dave Matson's picture
Abiogenesis is a science, not
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Because I am not a simpleton?
Foe4500's picture
Pssst just letting you know
Nyarlathotep's picture
Foe45 - ...there’s a specific
LogicFTW's picture
toto974's picture
Are you going to have a
NewSkeptic's picture
So then, I'm assuming a
arakish's picture
@ Foe45
Sheldon's picture
Your English is truly
David Killens's picture
If you close your eyes and
Foe4500's picture
Look at you trying to
Nyarlathotep's picture
Sounds like new age shit.
LostLocke's picture
If you're going to get into
LogicFTW's picture
What about the law of 9's?
arakish's picture
LogicFTW: "What about the law
arakish's picture
@ Foe45
Sheldon's picture
How exactly does the fact
David Killens's picture
Why are there not five major
arakish's picture
Gads what monster! 18 legs,


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