I will be the first to tell you guys that I’m not a scholar on biblical studies. Through out my life I have tried to make sense out of religion, and try to decide the best way to live with or without it. Of course, I am an atheist. I chose this because it is what made the most sense out of the information I could gather after lots of reading and rational thoughts. The title of my post comes from thoughts I have about the Bible and the stories within. First, how in the hell could Jesus be white? How is the popular image of Jesus this handsome white man with a great beard and flowing hair? It’s not at all possible! And if god magically impregnated Mary, why couldn’t he provide them a safe place to have “his” son? As far as Satan, why would the most evil being in existence need to wear pants? Or even a loin cloth? What, does Satan wake up, shower, and put on fresh clothes before a new day of evil deeds? How can people believe this? Now I already hear the arguments from the believers saying that these are just images created by man, but I say the WHOLE story is created by man with the art work to go with it! Help me out if I’m missing something please!
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