Why does god allow suffering?

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GoldenLotus's picture
Why does god allow suffering?

If there is a god, why does he allow many to suffer? Why does he not do something about hunger, war, senseless killings, rape, diseases, etc? Does he not love us? Or is it his way of showing love? Isn't he supposed to be a merciful and loving god? Look at what's happening around--extremists killing hundreds of people in different parts of the world, homeless people (children and adults alike) dying from hunger and exposure, girls being exploited and abused, less fortunate people being treated as slaves, and so on. Why isn't god doing anything about all these? Does he not want us, as his "children" and "creation", to be happy and live in peace? What does he really want from us?



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Nutmeg's picture
Free will.
Sheldon's picture
"Free will."
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
If there is a god, why does
cmallen's picture
Lily, "he" probably doesn't
cmallen's picture
I feel a need to slightly
cmallen's picture
Okay, one more clarification:
KyleDay's picture
The Holy Spirit, given at
Stu. K.'s picture
Welp. I was straight up
KyleDay's picture
Why ?
ThePragmatic's picture
jamalt's picture
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Life is a test and suffering
Bernard's picture
Jamalt gives us a clear view
cmallen's picture
I don't agree with all your
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Vincent Paul Tran's picture
"This is without a shadow of
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Humans do it because it a
Vincent Paul Tran's picture
Jeff, I think you are putting
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"unneccesary restrictions"
Vincent Paul Tran's picture
Jeff, you're not listening to
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
sorry for late reply,
jamalt's picture
To start with I didn't say at
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
" Look we have a Choice! Its
marz1969's picture
Biggest rhetorical question
jamalt's picture
I would like to ask those who
CyberLN's picture
"I would like to ask those
jamalt's picture
Hello Jeff,
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"better than us because they
GoldenLotus's picture
"That does show that your god
jamalt's picture
Dear Jeff,


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