why do you not believe???

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Paddy Whelan's picture
why do you not believe???

Hey all, I'm new here, nice to meet you all :) I suppose the first question I'd like to pose to you all is why you have rejected faith and embraced atheism? It's not a loaded question, I am myself an out and out atheist. I'm curious to know though the reasons why others here reject religion and faith, or equally if there are any theists in our company, why do you embrace religious teachings? I'm just getting the lay of the land with this query I guess, but i would be genuinely interested to hear peoples responses

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AoSS1's picture
I started to doubt the
JadeRider1's picture
For now I still do, but I am
Hadi Ali's picture
you cant say that several


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Nyarlathotep's picture
Since you are a rather unique
JadeRider1's picture
It's what I was taught from
Puzzled Primate's picture
It was a long journey.
Paddy Whelan's picture
It's really interesting to
CyberLN's picture
Paddy, you've asked why we
Anser's picture
"why do you not believe???"
Puzzled Primate's picture


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Hadi Ali's picture
this is my first comment ,


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Johnny Moronic's picture
I have no beliefs, I only
Nordic Fox's picture
I had always been an atheist,

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