Why do you need a god anyway?

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mykcob4's picture
Why do you need a god anyway?

I have seen posts by christian professing their god, attributing all sorts of things to their god, without a single shred of evidence. I have seen supposed atheists post theories that may not be christian but they may as well be because they just substitute their new made up god for the christian god, again with no shred of evidence.
So why the fuck do these people need a god anyway?
Are they so afraid of the unknown that they have to have a mythical creature in control before they feel safe? Have they gotten anything tangible from their god?
They never give anything tangible or real when they say that they have received anything from their god. Oh, they might say that god cured them of some disease ignoring the fact that the human immune system and the medical attention did the trick. They might even say that they will live forever, but they sure don't know that for a fact. So the only thing that they get from their god is pure speculation and conjecture.
I dare ANY believer to prove that they have received ANY FUCKING THING from their god.

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Tin-Man's picture
I had acne as a teenager. But
mykcob4's picture
I was a freshman in college.
Jared Alesi's picture
I can prove that people have
mykcob4's picture
Tin-Man's picture
Ya know, there were so many
Jimmyallace's picture
Quatro Casino is by far my

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