Why do we discuss the Bible?

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Alembé's picture
Why do we discuss the Bible?

Please consider the following as a request for information.

As atheists we do not believe in any god.
By extension, we do not believe there ever was a god.
Therefore the Bible (“The Word of God”) is theologically irrelevant and meaningless, and always has been so.

So why do we debate and discuss, in a theological context, the stories, contradictions, “miracles” and people in the Bible, a) with theists and b) amongst ourselves?

(As an aside, I will admit that there are some valuable non-theological lessons in personal behavior in the Bible. For example, the parable of the Good Samaritan regarding bigotry and racism, and the passage, “You hypocrite! First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother’s eye,” come to mind.)

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Pitar's picture
Completely agree. Atheism is
Mitch's picture
Nevermind the valuable moral
ThePragmatic's picture
Well, the answer is easy.
D_Trimijopulos's picture
@The Pragmatic
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
It is possible that you have
Mitch's picture
I couldn't easily find
D_Trimijopulos's picture
Mitch's picture
I don't think your papers are
D_Trimijopulos's picture
_Yet you did not explain how
Alembé's picture
D_Trimijopulos's picture
Alembé's picture
Mitch's picture
I think I can answer this:
D_Trimijopulos's picture
Andrew McArthur's picture
"further more The science of
D_Trimijopulos's picture
@Andrew McArthur
Andrew McArthur's picture
I'm guessing we have
Andrew McArthur's picture
Thanks Dimitri. I'll look it
Nyarlathotep's picture
man the quackery in this
mickron88's picture
yeah, i noticed it too, its
Alembé's picture
Hi Qu@si,
mickron88's picture
yeah, i didn't see that
Darkhenoc1's picture
I believe the question was
Anthm Wright's picture
Since so many people are
fishy1's picture
I have a high enough IQ to
Grinseed's picture
The bible, what we call the
Sushisnake's picture
Because we're born into a

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