Why Do "Some Of Us" Do This?

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Stu. K.'s picture
Why Do "Some Of Us" Do This?

**Sorry, I was just going through some old posts and my OCD made me want to edit some mistakes I've made, I didn't know it would put at the top of the forum again, lol.**

Something from a few months ago came up in my head, following along with a question. So my friend, my brother and I were all hanging out a few months ago,and keep in mind he and his family are huge Christians, and he said this observation he made that I think was similar to "if Adam and eve had babies, and those babies had to reproduce, then does that mean they were having sex with their brother and sister?" Which he I think he knew that was sinful or to him, "gross" but just ignored it like it was nothing. And in my head I was yelling "OH MY GOSH YOU JUST PROVED GOD ISN'T REAL!" But then I remembered. I'd probably be that way if I didn't break away from religion sooner myself. My question is, why do some of us call them "stupid or can't think for themselves" when SOME OF the people who say that could of very well been in that very position, but have a brain and enough luck to be able to understand how religion isn't real? Do some of y'all remember when (if) you were religious? Now look back and ask if you got lucky enough to get away from such. We all know they're in this mindset where (maybe) the only way to escape is luck. And as a side but related question, does anybody have the right to call a brainwashed person "stupid" or similar? Tell me if I'm wrong, but I don't think so.

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ThePragmatic's picture
It depends a little on what
Kataclismic's picture
I'm beginning to think it's a
ThePragmatic's picture
Personally, I'm struggling to
CyberLN's picture
I concur. I also wonder how
Stu. K.'s picture
Thanks Prag and Kat for those
CyberLN's picture
I'll explain...Years ago,
Stu. K.'s picture
Ahhh got it :D. I'm surprised
CyberLN's picture
That would only be if s/he
bigbill's picture
I would never call a person

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